The foreword portion of the centerboard case is internal to the hull. The aft portion extends through the hull. It also extends aft of the cabin bulkhead. It would be difficult to get the centerboard case in and out for fitting with the cabin bulkhead in place which is why I placed it later. I had strategically placed the battens so that I would only have to remove a portion of one.

This is how the cut edge of the plank join looked. I think that cutting one side with the knife and filling with the Zip-Lock bags worked well.

Fitting the case to the inner hull was an exercise (pun intended) of lifting it in and out for multiple trial fits. It really is on the part of the hull side transitioning from flat to vertical. I was very happy to have left out the cabin bulkhead.

This is the set-up I had to make leveling the case easy and repeatable. A simple turn of the screws to raise or lower each corner.

One of the reasons I had built my centerboard early was to make sure it would fit in the case, and also to try and help decide where to make that transition to the open slot. In the end I left it so that I will fine tune the opening by removing a small amount of the hull foreword of the board, but all the load bearing edge of the case does extend through the opening. I'm glad I angled the port edge of the board that remains in the case, as the fit against the sloped hull is tight.

I realized that I should make a glue flange along the hull for the settee since this would be easier now than taping it later through the as yet uncut access hatches.

After final placement. The cockpit floor will rest on the extended end of the case with the control lines coming up through the floor between the cockpit seat and companionway.

The dry fit is easy with two surfaces below and one above. Once those are covered with putty its necessary to put a bend in the floor while placing -- not so easy.

With it just slipping into place, you can see the value of cutting the edge to match the hull shape. Without doing this the join would require a significant volume of bog and be much heavier. The plan measurements are for where it touches, so you have to leave this edge long to allow for scribing it to shape.

I also placed the aft end of the seat. The forward face can't be placed till after joining, so it is just temporary here. You can't see it in this picture, but the outer edge did not perfectly match the hull. (If I was cutting the bulkheads out again, I would cut the straight edges as directed, but leave the hull edges slightly long. It's so easy to scribe and cut exact if you have left the necessary material.) With the larger bulkheads I support them across the hull so that they will be exactly midline. What I did here was to put the necessary size shim at each end and made up the difference with bog. Then after the material had cured, I removed the shims and filled the gap with bog.
1 comment:
Hi Andrew. I’m across the Sound from you in Port Townsend. I have really enjoyed your F-22 building blog. I find it to be very comprehensive. All your photos along with the step by step explanations are awesome. A number of years have passed so I’m grateful you have left the blog up for those of us who still have unused plans. I would very much like to start a build in the not too distant future. One obvious drawback is not having the designer available for questions. But probably even more of an issue is I don’t have the beams or beam mounts. Not so easily remedied at this point in time. If you’re up for some correspondence my email is: jonesalan@earthlink.net. Thanks. Alan
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